Debunking Howard Zinn

An Introduction By Louis Gallo, Debunking Howard Zinn
Louis Gallo is the Immediate Past Chairman of the NewYork CSJ
The Zinn Education Project was created in the wake of Howard Zinn’s "The People’s History of the United States”, and over time it was distributed to schools all over the country.  Lesson plans, activities, and narratives were included to be used in the classroom. We at the Commission for Social Justice, the anti-defamation arm of  the Order Sons and Daughters of Italy in America, have studied and analyzed the contents of the Christopher Columbus  section. We have come to the conclusion that the content is disappointing because it lacks proper contextualization.  The whole story is NOT told.  There are pregnant gaps in the narratives that paint a distorted image of Columbus that is definitely misleading and in some cases practically false.  Our intent on this website and what follows is to present a critique of the said Project as told by four notable historians who have written positive works on their own and have also studied the Project's contents. Below they offer their documented opinions to set the historical record straight on Columbus.  It is our sincere hope that teachers will study these opinions, internalize them, and offer their students the proper context when studying the legacy and accomplishments of Christopher Columbus.
Click on the links below for some interesting and truthful facts about Columbus and the non factual writings of Howard Zinn
An article by Carol Delaney, BA Boston U, MTS Harvard Divinity School and PhD University of Chicago

An article by Rich DiSilvio titled "Debunking Zinn's Lies About Columbus"

"A Realistic Historical Perspective on Christopher Columbus" by Steve Byas, Professor of History at Randall University

"Why Rethink Christopher Columbus" by Raphael Ortiz

There is an excellent book "Debunking Howard Zinn" by Mary Grabar who in 2011 founded the "Dissident Prof Education Project, Inc." dedicated to “resisting the re-education of America." One of those topics was about Howard Zinn and his lies about Christopher Columbus.
More information about Mary can be seen on the Alexander Hamilton Institute website by clicking this link "Mary Grabar information"
Click "About Mary Grabar" to visit Mary's webpage and information about her book regarding Howard Zinn's lies about Christopher Columbus.

the truth about christopher columbus